Where Do Mosquitos Breed and Lay Eggs?
All mosquitos need a source of water where they can lay their eggs when breeding. The third stage of a mosquito’s life cycle is spent mostly underwater, where they feed and rest. You will find most mosquito eggs in calm, standing water sources such as large puddles or still creeks and lakes. Some species of mosquitos can lay eggs on moist soil where it regularly floods. Understanding the full life cycle of this particular pest can help you prepare your home’s yard and business’s landscaping to prevent mosquito breeding opportunities. Stop the problem before it starts.
The Common Life Cycle of Mosquito
Given the many different species of mosquitos around the world, it’s understandable they don’t all have the exact same life cycle. The life cycle described below is what most species of mosquitos go through and is especially true for those who reside in the United States. Understanding the cycle can help you prepare your space and not give mosquitos the opportunity to breed. If they do, though, you can always rely on the professionals at Platinum Mosquito Protection in South Florida to have a solution to keep your area mosquito-free!
Egg: Mosquitos lay their eggs individually on the surface of a water source, and then they attach to each other, creating a raft. Some species can create a raft consisting of over 200 eggs. Some will lay single eggs, and others will lay them on top of the surface of moist soil. The one thing they all need is a source of water to help reach the next stage in their growth cycle.
Larva: Most mosquito eggs will reach their larva stage within 48 hours of hatching, but some are built to resist the harshness of winter and won’t hatch until spring weather. After reaching the larval stage, they will sink into the water, only coming to the surface to breathe. They will also molt or shed their skin up to four times while in this stage and get larger with each new skin. After about the fourth shedding, they will reach the pupa stage of their life cycle.
Pupa: Think of this stage as the cocooned stage of the mosquito’s life cycle. They rest and don’t eat during this phase but will respond to light and protect themselves within the pupal skin by flipping their tail when needed. Most species in the South Florida area will only require two days to complete this portion of the cycle, but all shed their skin and return to the surface as an adult with wings.
Adult: Once they reach the final stage of their lifecycle, mosquitos will rest on the surface of their water source until becoming dry enough to use their wings and harden all other body parts. They will not feed on blood or start to reproduce until a couple of days have passed since they emerged as an adult.
How to Protect Your Home and Office from Mosquitos
Now that you know how a mosquito’s life cycle proceeds, you can take the necessary steps to avoid creating a conducive environment. You will want to remove any areas in your yard where water regularly collects, thus eliminating all potential breeding grounds. This may include pots and cups of water left on your patio or deck. Make sure all of your planted pots have good drainage, so the water doesn’t stay within the containers. The Aedes genera are known to lay their eggs on soil experiencing flood-like patterns, which could include when you water the plants. If changing your landscape is too big of a hassle or budgetary restraint, you always have the option to call the professionals at Platinum Mosquito Protection to protect your South Florida home or business!
Automatic Mosquito Misting Systems
There is a cost-effective method for keeping your yard mosquito-free all through the year! Automatic mosquito misting systems can use all-natural or synthetic pyrethrum mists to help protect your outdoors from these potentially deadly intruders. Chrysanthemum flowers excrete pyrethrum naturally to safeguard themselves from these insects invading their space. We turn the natural compound into a mist, which we automatically release using a timer system in our discrete devices. This also protects your family from being surrounded by harmful chemicals and maintains an excellent air quality while grilling, partying, and playing horseshoes or volleyball in the backyard.
Platinum Mosquito Protection Helps Repel Mosquitos
If you are looking for a cost-effective, natural way of repelling mosquitos from your South Florida home or business, reach out to the professionals at Platinum Mosquito Protection. We can help you find the right solution to fit your needs and your budget.