Check out these tips for some enjoyable backyard camping
Camping is something that everybody should do at least once. It’s a way to get out of your comfort zone a little bit, and it gives you the chance to get up close and personal with nature. And when you camp with your family, this provides a fun bonding experience.
One of the best things about camping is it can be as simple as you want. Sure, you can buy some of those giant backpacks and load them up with all the latest gear and then head for the nearest wilderness. Or, you can grab some blankets and walk out into your backyard.
Due to their busy schedules, the latter is often the best choice for a lot of people. But just because you’re not exactly roughing it doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time. Here are some ideas to think about:
Put a great menu together
A great campout has to have food. Hotdogs are always a good choice, but there are other things you can do. A taco in a bag, for example, is a fun meal for kids. And you definitely can’t forget about s’mores, but instead of the usual way of making them (which can be very messy), try this cone idea.
Don’t forget the games
Even if you and your kids have been in your yard a thousand times, there are almost certainly a few surprises you’ll encounter. A scavenger hunt is a fun way to do some exploring. You can also use what you find to play a game, like a tic tac toe with rocks. For some additional fun, just grab a ladder for this bean bag toss game.
Light things up
Especially for little ones, camping can be a little scary if it’s really dark. But you can easily solve this problem with a couple of tactics. Those solar lights you can stick in the ground are an excellent way to keep things illuminated when the sun goes down. If you’ll be bringing along one of those camping lanterns, to prevent it from blinding everyone, just strap it around a gallon of water face down for a softer glow.
Have a movie marathon
For more of an authentic camping trip, think about leaving devices and digital games inside. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have some electronic entertainment. With your own outdoor movie theater, you can have a showing of your favorite flicks, or perhaps a night of camping-themed films.
Don’t attract unwanted attention
Chances are good that once your campsite is set up, you and your family will discover that some uninvited guests have shown up: mosquitos. You may have packed some bug spray, but coating everybody with it not only stinks things up, but it’s also not entirely effective against these biters. The better solution is a mosquito control system that works automatically to keep those bugs away.
Before your next backyard campout, get in touch with Platinum Mosquito Protection. We’ll help ensure that mosquitos and other annoying insects don’t ruin your fun time. Contact us for a free consultation.