Zero Tolerance for Zika

A controversial way to halt the virus in its tracks Ever since man and mosquito have come into contact with one another, the insect has been a problem. With the various diseases they spread, these little bugs have killed – and continue to kill – millions. They are far and away the deadliest creature on…

The Great Outdoors … Kind of

Check out these tips for some enjoyable backyard camping Camping is something that everybody should do at least once. It’s a way to get out of your comfort zone a little bit, and it gives you the chance to get up close and personal with nature. And when you camp with your family, this provides…

The New Mosquito Coast?

We get a lot of tourists in Florida, but some just aren’t very welcome People who live in Florida know how great it is. The weather, the cost of living, the food; the list goes on and on. And residents aren’t the only ones who love Florida. The Sunshine State is always high on the…