Is Zika Back? How to Stay Safe This Summer

Keep yourself and your home safe with a comprehensive protection plan Remember the Zika virus? In the summer of 2016, it spread rapidly from East Africa to Southeast Asia, South and Central America, and eventually set up shop here in the U.S., which resulted in a record 5,168 cases of Zika-related illness that year, according…

Dress to Beat Mosquitos

The wardrobe choices that give you an edge Mosquitos are a problem in South Florida throughout the year, but they become a special kind of nuisance as we head into summer. If you don’t want to stay holed up in your home for the next several months, you have to figure out how to deal…

Mosquitos Least Wanted

Ranking the species by the threat Most mosquitos are harmless. That may not be a popular sentiment around these parts, but it’s true. Of the 3,500 different kinds of mosquitos, only about 100 of them actually spread disease. And because it’s only the females that bite people, half of that 100 can immediately be discounted.…