Best Ways to Repel Mosquitos from Your Property

Mosquitos are so prevalent in South Florida that ridding your property of them may seem impossible. There are actually a number of measures you can take to make your property less attractive to these infamous insects. Watch this educational video clip to learn more about getting rid of mosquitos. You will find out why eliminating…

It’s Mosquito Season

If you’ve lived in Boca Raton for a while, you’re definitely no stranger to mosquitos. Though mosquitos may seem like nothing more than annoying pests, some have been known to transmit diseases. With this short local news segment, you can learn a great deal about mosquitos from expert Gary Goode. There are around 35 species…

How the Platinum Mosquito Misting System Works

A Platinum mosquito misting system is the most comprehensive and effective way to protect your home and family from mosquitoes. At Platinum Mosquito Protection, we offer top-quality automatic misting systems that will keep your home and property free of mosquitoes. If you are considering a Platinum mosquito misting system for your home or business, take…