Answering Common Questions about Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a huge problem in Florida. Besides interrupting BBQ’s and outdoor parties, these flying bloodsuckers can also spread potentially deadly diseases. Considering the threat posed by mosquitoes, it’s not unusual for people to have lots of questions about the dangers of mosquitoes and how to control these pests. If you don’t see an answer…

Get the Facts Behind Pyrethrum as an Insect Repellent

The revolutionary mosquito misting system offered by Platinum Mosquito Protection uses pyrethrum insect repellent to naturally eliminate the insect populations around Florida homes and businesses. This system is professionally installed on the property and set to automatically release the virtually invisible pyrethrum mist. Not only does the pyrethrum solution kill the existing insect population, but…

Tips for Preventing Mosquito Bites

Whether you’re planning a trip abroad or simply trying to enjoy your outdoor living space, it’s important that you know how to prevent your exposure to mosquitoes. Stay indoors at sunrise, sunset, and early in the evening when mosquitoes are most active. Outdoor yellow “bug” lights tend to attract fewer mosquitoes than ordinary lights. If…

A Look at How Mosquito Misting Works

Time-release outdoor residential misting systems are the latest weapons being used in Miami to control mosquitoes around the home. Mosquito misting is an effective way to rid your property of mosquitoes and other nuisance insects so you can enjoy your time spent outdoors. If you want to get back to hosting outdoor barbecues and lounging…

Spotlight on a New Mosquito-Borne Illness

Mosquitoes can spread an alarming number of illnesses and diseases, including West Nile Virus, dengue fever, malaria, and heartworm. As if there weren’t already enough mosquito-borne illnesses to worry about, another threat is developing in the United States: Chikungunya. Although Chikungunya is not typically known to the U.S., the CDC has confirmed 153 cases across…

The Symptoms of a Mosquito Bite

Mosquito bites can be unnoticeable, or they can be extremely irksome and lead to serious infections. Being aware of the symptoms will help you keep them under control, and spot early signs of further illness. As female mosquitoes pierce your skin and feed on your blood, they also inject a little bit of their saliva.…